
Pleister: Wonderstone in: Salt WS.06

The design of the Hyde boutique on Avenue Louise in Brussels embraces the innovative use of a single material to create a cohesive and inviting space. The walls, floors, and counter are all covered with our new clay-based plaster, Wonderstone. This material was chosen not only for its natural and refined aesthetic but also for the sense of craftsmanship it brings to the space. Applied by hand, Wonderstone adds a unique texture and warmth, making the boutique a seamless blend of design and functionality, where each element contributes to an atmosphere that feels both luxurious and welcoming.


Av. Louise 22, 1050 Brussels

ClayLime - Wonderstone clay plaster enduit argile Hyde shop Avenue Louise Brussels Bruxelles
Fitting room
ClayLime - Fitting room Wonderstone argile Bruxelles Hyde shop
Fitting room
ClayLime - Wonderstone clay plaster enduit argile Hyde shop Avenue Louise Brussels Bruxelles
Hyde boutique
ClayLime - Wonderstone clay plaster enduit argile Hyde shop Avenue Louise Brussels Bruxelles
Stairs in Wonderstone
ClayLime - Wonderstone clay plaster enduit argile Hyde shop Avenue Louise Brussels Bruxelles escalier stairs béton ciré
Detail on stairs
ClayLime - Wonderstone clay plaster enduit argile Hyde shop Avenue Louise Brussels Bruxelles
Detail on fitting room